Tuesday, December 2, 2014


  I have been writing this post in my head for a while. And now that I am sitting in front of the computer all of it is gone. Bye Bye thoughts. I want to write a post about ADHD, what it is, what it means, and how it affects my family. But I don't think that will happen today. So I think instead I am going to express my gratitude for my Heavenly Father.
   I know that my Heavenly Father hears my prayers. I have been struggling in the attitude department lately. And I have just felt that we have had not one trial, not two but a 100. (OK maybe not 100 but you get the idea) I wanted just some relief, some of those to go away. This past week, I have felt the windows of Heaven open for me. I haven't seen an Angel, none of my struggles have gone away, but I have seen the Lord's hand in my life a lot lately. And it has been the little things. They have been tiniest of things that if I wasn't looking I would have never realized that it was from the Lord. I have gained an absolute knowledge that my Heavenly Father loves me. He wants me to be happy. He wants to bless me and my family. I have gained a new perspective and an understand of how important patience is in life. ( I was not born with the gift of patience...like zero of it.) I have learned that sometimes watching a child struggle, is more of a trial for the parent than the child. I have learned that being a parent you must be willing to learn from your children, in a more indirect way. (don't let my 5 yr old know I said we have to learn from our kids...it might go to his head) I have also realized that parenting is hard...like really hard. And it is really really really hard when your child sees, and reacts to the world differently. To pray and ask for guidance from the only being who knows the child inside and out. And to have faith that you will receive answers. It has been a rough few weeks, but I feel like we are starting a really good path to help ease some struggles.
  I want you to know, dear reader, that you are never alone in your struggles. Sometimes it is hard to open up to someone about them. I know, really I do. However, I also how helpful it is to be able to talk. Talk about your fears, your struggles, your hopes, your random thoughts. There is always someone for you to turn to. Who will always, always listen. AND you can reach this person anytime, anywhere. Pray, to your Heavenly Father, to God. He will listen. And know, please know, that I am always here. You are never alone. We are all in this world, the good and the bad, together. We are brothers and sisters on this Earth, trying to make it. I think that together, we can all figure this life out.

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